This is my life experiences in words...hope they're enjoyable to some and helpful to others. Follow me as I try to be the wife, mom, and friend God created me to be.
Just thought you might be curious about our weekends here in the BIG city of Magnolia, Texas. For us it pretty much consists of a Saturday and Sunday filled with baseball games. To some it may not sound like a lot of fun but for me it is what I dreamed of when I would dream of becoming a mom. I remember my childhood so vividly and most of it was spent on the soccer field or the basketball court. I also remember my parents being at just about every game I ever had and that was a lot! Between my brother and I it was non-stop. I now have a much greater appreciation for what my parents did for me. Now, I used to think that I'd have little mini me's on the soccer field but that has not happened ( I am still holing out for DD) so we've settled in the world of baseball. Who knew 5 and 6 year old baseball could be so exciting? Well we've found out that it can be VERY exciting. Not so much with DS#2(yet!) but with DS#1 it's CRAZINESS!!! We've been blessed with some very gifted and great coaches. Once DS#2 gets to the same level it will be almost too much to handle. These boys are having so much fun and that is the main reason it gets so exciting. Our coaches make sure that they are being taught the proper fundamentals of the game but also make sure they have a lot of fun. My dear hubby takes all he learns from DS#1's team and teaches it to DS#2's team. That description alone is worth another blog (ah haaa moment! yeah) Be looking for that one.... Anyway, DS#1's team is doing quite well as this is the first season for these particular boys to play together. I thought I'd share some pics of both DS#1 and#2 so you all could see them in their element!
Gig Em' Aggies...
There you have it. The exciting life of a "Baseball Mom"!
It looks like a blast to me!! I'm looking forward to really settling down now and getting S.G. involved in something. This past year we have been in such a transition that I haven't been able to put her in anything. Eat it up girl!!
I know how you feel! Micah plays hockey, Sarah cheers and plays soccer.. Nadiah will cheer next year... We're swamped and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I am a wife and a SAHM to 3. Two boys ages 7 and 6 and one "baby" girl who is 4. I've been married to my hubby for almost 11 years and we've been together for 14. I have the desire to be what God created me to be and to follow His direction for my life...even if I don't like it! =0)
It looks like a blast to me!! I'm looking forward to really settling down now and getting S.G. involved in something. This past year we have been in such a transition that I haven't been able to put her in anything. Eat it up girl!!
I know how you feel! Micah plays hockey, Sarah cheers and plays soccer.. Nadiah will cheer next year... We're swamped and I wouldn't have it any other way.
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